Disney Halting the Star Wars Universe

After the less than spectacular reception of its Han Solo movie, Disney has out all future Star Wars movies on hold.

Honestly Disney, the old farts like me that grew up wanting more stories about the original characters made them all up long ago. We loved those characters not because we knew their backstories. We loved those characters because of the infinite possibilities that were left open to our imaginations.

Don’t believe me? How deep and dark of a villain was Darth Vader in the original trilogy? How deep and dark is he after the prequel trilogy showed us he’s just a spoiled brat with daddy issues?

If you’re new to Star Wars then you want to know more about the characters that are central to these new movies. You aren’t interested in a backstory for Han Solo, because he died half way through your first Star Wars movie. You aren’t nostalgic for a character you barely knew.

Here’s hoping Disney and Lucasfilms take this pause to stop trying to make blockbuster movies they think the fans want and actually figure out how to tell some good, Star Wars stories that aren’t just trying to cash in on faded memories.

Make America Feckless Again



  • Lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

    With the ugly, completely foreseen consequences of President Trump‘s newest policy on immigration, which essentially amounts to, “Fuck ’em all,” the President did what he does best.

    He held a one hour meeting with the Republican toadies where he managed to say absolutely nothing while convincing both sides he is on their side.

    Some lawmakers emerged from the hour-long huddle adamant Trump had endorsed a compromise measure that would allow families to remain together.
    But others were more equivocal, saying Trump only expressed support for any bill that arrives on his desk — either the compromise plan or a more conservative version whose prospects appear dim.
  • With the ugly, completely foreseen consequences of President Trump‘s newest policy on immigration, which essentially amounts to, “Fuck ’em all,” the President did what he does best.

    He held a one hour meeting with the Republican toadies where he managed to say absolutely nothing while convincing both sides he is on their side.

    Some lawmakers emerged from the hour-long huddle adamant Trump had endorsed a compromise measure that would allow families to remain together.
    But others were more equivocal, saying Trump only expressed support for any bill that arrives on his desk — either the compromise plan or a more conservative version whose prospects appear dim.

And just to make things clear as mud,

The White House said afterward Trump “endorsed both House immigration bills….”

The only times President Trump and his minions actually choose a side is when they’re reserving a special place in hell for Canada, the enemy of human rights, while insanely declaring North Korea is peachy keen and its champion.

When I was working immigration on the border, separating families was the last of last resorts. They’re caught. They’re going home. Throwing in some good, old fashioned cruelty just for kicks is the exact opposite of what the United States used to stand for.

Just How Dysfunctional are the Caps?

Two weeks after the Washington Capitals won the Stanley Cup, their coach, Barry Trotz is out of a job.

Toronto’s Mike Babcock makes the most at $6.25 million on an eight-year deal after coaching Detroit for 10 seasons, Chicago’s Joel Quenneville is next at $6 million entering his ninth full season with the Blackhawks and Montreal’s Claude Julien brings in $5 million after coaching Boston for nine-plus seasons. All three have won the Cup like Trotz, including Quenneville three times.

The Caps apparently wanted to pay the coach who brought them two President’s Trophies and their first Cup two million bucks and wouldn’t commit to a five year deal. Trotz rightfully told them to “Take this job and shove it.”

I guess they want to go another 43 years before winning another cup.

Nick Castellanos’ Happy Father’s Day Weekend

The Detroit Tigers managed a sweep of the Chicago White Sox this Father’s Day weekend thanks to timely homeruns by Nick Castellanos. He had been in a funk the past week or so with only one hit in 21 late appearances. On Saturday he knocked two over the fence and added a third on Sunday.

The win was the Tigers fifth in a row and seventh win out of their last ten games. It also put them one game below .500 at 36-37. With two games coming up against the Cincinnati Reds they just might enter the rarefied air of having won more games than they’ve lost…. or they might start another five game losing streak. It’s been that kind of season.

Might done for 2018

Stuck below .500, your new young players struggling for consistency with, your ace pitcher struggling to look mediocre…. what else could go wrong?

How about your star hitter having to sit out the rest of the year because his left bicep blew out on a routine swing?

I haven’t seen anything like what happened to Miguel Cabrera since Billy Sims made a routine cut and permanently blew his knee out.

Miggy sure still has the heart to play baseball forever, but ultimately time seems to have caught up to him physically.

Misfits & Monsters

Ok, I’ll admit it, I’m weird!

I absolutely love weird, quirky shows that reward viewers with smi\’tsart, funny plots if they’re willing to come along for the ride.

I really loved People of Earth and was excited to see it was renewed fir a third season only to have it yanked away. It was a quirky little show about quirky characters that took its main premise, what if a bunch of regular people had been abducted by aliens preparing an invasion, completely seriously. It’s a shame we’ll never see how it all works out.

With that show gone I’m looking for the next show to enter into the weirdness void and I think I’ve found a contender. Bobcat Goldthwait’s Misfits & Monsters definitely looks like it checks off the weirdly wonderful and smart box just fine. Bobcat Goldthwait the comedian annoys me in too large a dose, but I can’t seem to get enough of him as a filmmaker. Here’s the teaser for the show premiering July 11 on TruTV.

Can’t wait to spend a couple years enjoying this show before it’s abruptly canceled 😉

Oodles of Zoodles

“I don’t want to rain on your parade and I’m glad your losing weight, but meat=cholesterol and that’s not good for someone with your numbers.”

That was the response I got from my doctor when I told her I’d been losing weight with the Atkins diet, and eating mostly meat and vegetables ever since leaving I havetype 2 diabetes. I tried to win some points by pointing out that I was eating a lot more chicken and fish instead of beef, but I couldn’t argue with her counterpoint that, “meat is meat, and all meat equals cholesterol. Try and increase the veggie consumption and cut back on the meats.”

I knew there was no point arguing with someone that cheats in an argument by using “science” and “facts” to win, so I’ve resigned myself to raising to her challenge. The first hurdle I knew I had to overcome was figuring out a way to prepare vegtables beyond steaming them. I love a good portion of crunchy, fresh, steamed just right veggies with just about every meal, but usually as a side and not the main dish. Trying to make vegtable entrees a big part of my new diet plan means I’m going to have to learn a couple of things to not get bored of eating steamed broccoli for every meal. Mainly, I’m going to have to learn new vegetables to eat, and I’m going to have to learn new ways to prepare them.

My first discovery is the zoodle. What’s a zoodle? It’s a spiral sliced zucchini that looks like noodles, which is exactly the way you use them. They take the place of your spaghetti or egg noodles in your recipes to make a healthy vegetable based meal instead of using carbohydrate and gluten loaded regular pasta.

To make them you need something to spiral cut your veggies. I picked this unit up from Amazon. It does thin angel hair type spirals all the way up to a wide egg noodle like cut so I should have a good variety of options. There’s a few other options to make your zoodle.

Asian style noodle recipes seemed like a great place to start. The first recipe I tried was for a Sesame Almond Zoodle Bowl. My finished product didn’t quite look like the photo in the recipe, but it was pretty close. Since I forgot to take any pictures, I’d even say it turned out spectacularly better… as far as you know 😉

I didn’t quite have all the ingredients called for in the recipe and made the following substitutions:

  • Worstechire sauce for half the amount of soy sauce
  • Splenda for the erythritol
  • Only a quarter of the red pepper seeds

I couldn’t tell the difference using the worstechire sauce or splensa. The pepper seeds was just a matter of taste and gave it a nice kick without being overpowering. You can always add more when you’re eating it.

The spiralizer handled two zucchini faster then it took to read the directions. You have to be careful not to overcook the zoodles, but it’s a stir-fry dish so it was easy to pay attention to their firmness.

The final result was a little odd with the first bite, don’t expect a straight up noodle taste, but every bite afterwards was satisfying and delicious. It was a perfect, meat free light meal, and could easily pair with some fish or chicken for a more robust meal.

I’ll definitely be trying this one again. With real soy sauce…. and pictures; -)

It’s been about 17 years since the death of musician and riverboat pilot John Hartford. If you’re old enough to remember The Glenn Campbell show, John was the audience member that stood up with a banjo to start the theme song each show and would often do a “>musical number. He also was the resident banjo player “>on The Smothers Brothers show.

He was a virtuoso on the banjo and fiddle, witty and humorous, and almost as knowledgable of Mississippi river lore as Mark Twain.

But it was your job to know.

Former Michigan State University President Lou Anna Simons continued with her defense strategy of “pass the buck” during her testimony before a Michigan congressional hearing.
“in hindsight … there were clearly things that might have been warning signs.” However, Simon added, she believed that investigators at the time “did their best.”

The vast number of Nasser’s victims attests to the fact that “did their best” was woefully inadequate.
“There are warning signs here that should have been heeded earlier at the very top of Michigan State University,” said U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, the ranking Democratic member of the Senate subcommittee that held the hearing. “Apologies aren’t enough. We have to honor those survivors with real action.”

Senator Blumenthal is absolutely correct in his assessment. MSU needs to stop circling the wagons and trying to defend their indefensible inaction. Instead of trying to assert that Nassar somehow skirted the system and they’re blameless, they should be owning up to the idea that implementing such a flawed system to begin with was crucial to allowing Nassar to devastate so many people’s lives.

“If I had known about Nassar sooner, I would have fired him”

But you did know, and he was allowed to continue unabated for two more years. It was your job to know these things as President of MSU and you failed. Until you can admit you failed, there can’t be an honest dialog about how to prevent tragedies like this from happening in the future.
