Helping you keep your New Year’s resolution to read your Bible, by doing the New Testement reading with you.
Day 209, Hebrews 5:11-6:20 ESV
Get the ESV Daily Reading Plan here
Day 202, Matthew 27:27-66 ESV
Helping you keep your New Year’s resolution to read your Bible, by doing the New Testement reading with you.
Day 202, Matthew 27:27-66 ESV
Get the ESV Daily Reading Plan here
Day 96, 1 Corinthians 14 NLT
Helping you keep your New Year’s resolution to read your Bible, by doing the New Testement reading with you.
Day 96, 1 Corinthians 14 NLT
Get the ESV Daily Reading Plan here
Day 56, Acts 23:12 – 24:27 NIV
Helping you keep your New Year’s resolution to read your Bible, by doing the New Testement reading with you.
Day 56, Acts 23:12 – 24:27 NIV
Get the ESV Daily Reading Plan here
Day 48, Acts 15:1-35 NIV
Helping you keep your New Year’s resolution to read your Bible, by doing the New Testement reading with you.
Day 48, Acts 15:1-35 NIV
Get the ESV Daily Reading Plan here
Day 39, Acts 4:32 – 6:7 NIV
Helping you keep your New Year’s resolution to read your Bible, by doing the New Testement reading with you.
Day 39, Acts 4:32 – 6:7 NIV
Get the ESV Daily Reading Plan here
Advent Reading, Luke 2: 1-7
Advent Reading, Zechariah 9: 9-13
How (Not) to Fake Your Own Death
A Honduran man living in the United States decided he was tired of his wife back home asking him for money so he decided to fake his own death.
Some tips:
- Don’t laugh while taking the pictures.
- The morgue doesn’t cover dead bodies with a pillow case.
- The morgue also doesn’t have double bed mattresses on the slabs.
My Title a Reign Was Short Lived
The other day I wondered if putting on my shoes and putting my shorts on over them made me the laziest person alive.
Today I relinquish that crown to this Ontario, California person who figured out how to mow their lawn without all that pushing and walking.
All hail the new Laziest Person Alive champion!