Wow! When do we start the draft Barney Frank movement?
Barney Frank makes the argument
Wow! When do we start the draft Barney Frank movement?
Barney Frank makes the argument
Via Flickr:
First dusting of snow in Memphis, TN on 07DEDC2011
Howdy All!
Sorry I’ve been gone again for so long. We’re moved all in (mostly), and I’ve gotten off the vampire shift and working evenings now.
Starting to get out and do some things now that I’ve got a more regular schedule. Joined one of the museums and the zoo too, so expect some pictures from there coming up.
Hope you all had a great November and hope December is a good one too!
This is the sight that greeted me today when I woke up. SNOW! Damn near a MILE deep! Well… ok… it was only about an inch… and it’s gone already… but it was still more snow then I have seen in AGES!
Via Flickr:
Peaches waiting for the new squirrel feeder to see some action 😉
Via Flickr:
Just messing around in the backyard taking pictures of things. Saw this windchime at the store and couldn’t resist. 😉
Via Flickr:
A picture of two odd shaped rocks I spotted from way across Patriot Lake. Took the picture just to see what they were. Kind of weird not being in gator country for the first time in 10 years LOL
Via Flickr:
Had to risk life and limb for this one. Climbed down the bank and under this tree and found this little pool. Climbing back up I went feet up and took a nice little tumbe. No picture of that… I hope LOL
Via Flickr:
Has Trixie done it? Could this be the way out? Or is it just a mere glimpse of the freedom our heroes so desperatly crave?
Act 4 was boring though… Trixie hopped the fence and told Peaches “See Ya Later Sucker!” 😉
Via Flickr:
Confident that they’ve outsmarted the Screws Peaches stands guard while Trixie cases the perimiter fence looking for a weak link.
Via Flickr:
Prisoners Peaches and Trixie nonchalantly stroll the yard while secretly timing the patrols of the guards.
Via Flickr:
Just a closer view of the oranges floating in the lake after a mini-marathon.