Just realized it’s been almost a month since I wrote a Tigers post. How have they fared since then?
Not well. They’ve won ten more games and lost twenty five. Their run production has disappeared to the point that they’ve been shut out a league leading 16 times. Oh, and they’re starting to return to the sloppy, stupid play that marked the last few seasons.
About the only pluses lately is the addition of some more good prospects that should help coming seasons, and having a manager that doesn’t watch his team stink up a ballpark, shrug his shoulders, and say, “it’s a long season and we might start winning, so I’m not going to do anything at all.”
Here is what Gardenhire had to say:
“What I can’t handle is sloppy,” he said. “That’s a donation. Just sloppy baseball. … Those are a couple things that we need to make changes in, the whole organization, the whole philosophy really has to come into play here. You have to play the game, no matter what the score is. We’re writing it all down. We’re going to have to change. This is my first time doing this with this organization and there’s going to be changes all the way up and down.”
If Gardenhire can get rid of that “What, me worry?” attitude that flourished under his predecessor, this season’s ugliness wlll be worth it.