Posts in Category: Movies and Television

Disney Halting the Star Wars Universe

After the less than spectacular reception of its Han Solo movie, Disney has out all future Star Wars movies on hold.

Honestly Disney, the old farts like me that grew up wanting more stories about the original characters made them all up long ago. We loved those characters not because we knew their backstories. We loved those characters because of the infinite possibilities that were left open to our imaginations.

Don’t believe me? How deep and dark of a villain was Darth Vader in the original trilogy? How deep and dark is he after the prequel trilogy showed us he’s just a spoiled brat with daddy issues?

If you’re new to Star Wars then you want to know more about the characters that are central to these new movies. You aren’t interested in a backstory for Han Solo, because he died half way through your first Star Wars movie. You aren’t nostalgic for a character you barely knew.

Here’s hoping Disney and Lucasfilms take this pause to stop trying to make blockbuster movies they think the fans want and actually figure out how to tell some good, Star Wars stories that aren’t just trying to cash in on faded memories.

Misfits & Monsters

Ok, I’ll admit it, I’m weird!

I absolutely love weird, quirky shows that reward viewers with smi\’tsart, funny plots if they’re willing to come along for the ride.

I really loved People of Earth and was excited to see it was renewed fir a third season only to have it yanked away. It was a quirky little show about quirky characters that took its main premise, what if a bunch of regular people had been abducted by aliens preparing an invasion, completely seriously. It’s a shame we’ll never see how it all works out.

With that show gone I’m looking for the next show to enter into the weirdness void and I think I’ve found a contender. Bobcat Goldthwait’s Misfits & Monsters definitely looks like it checks off the weirdly wonderful and smart box just fine. Bobcat Goldthwait the comedian annoys me in too large a dose, but I can’t seem to get enough of him as a filmmaker. Here’s the teaser for the show premiering July 11 on TruTV.

Can’t wait to spend a couple years enjoying this show before it’s abruptly canceled 😉